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    Second Amendment

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

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    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke )


Truly Our Last Hope For America

The ATF, Anarcho-Tyranny, and Parallel Christian Society

by Pastor Andrew Isker

On Friday, January 13, the ATF announced a new rule stating that stabilizing braces on what they had previously classified as “pistols” are now to be considered “short-barreled rifles.” Also, they must be registered as such by all manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and owners within 120 days or be charged with a felony. The apparent purpose of such a ruling is to punish the 40 million owners of such guns because they pose an electoral, political, and cultural threat to the ruling regime. And lest anyone be confused, the “ruling regime” does not mean the nominal head installed in the White House; it means the Permanent Government, of which the Administrative State is a major part, which includes the ATF.

That the Administrative State and its organs, such as the ATF, even exist is an affront to the heritage of the U.S. Constitution and Anglo-Saxon common law tradition. The Constitution you thought we had no longer exists. Our form of government originates in Anglo-Saxon witans, which represented the nation as a whole and developed and enforced the common law as it was handed down over the generations. Having armies of parasitic bureaucrats responsible to no one decreeing their laws is far more akin to empires that lorded over innumerable slaves. It is not something a free people tolerate. But such is the American Total State. All of life is politicized and lorded over by unelected vermin.

And the point of the Administrative State in our decaying global empire is to enforce anarcho-tyranny. Look at the ATF, for example. Right now, America is facing the greatest epidemic of violent gun crime in decades (perhaps ever, as crime statistics are often underreported for propagandistic reasons). After the “mostly peaceful” anti-white race-hate riots of 2020, American police pulled back from actively policing high-crime urban neighborhoods. This was a matter of policy giving in to the rioters’ demands and out of officer self-preservation (what officer wants to be the next Derek Chauvin, sent to prison for decades for aggressively restraining the wrong overdosing felon at the wrong time?). As a result of the police withdrawal in these urban areas, black gun deaths and traffic deaths have significantly increased, as well as violent crime overall. Things have gotten so bad that the violent crime has begun to spill out of the major cities and even into sleepy farm towns, such as Janesville, MN, population of 2453 (and ten minutes from where I sit writing this).

You would think the agency dealing with illegal weapons would be all hands on deck mitigating the urban gun crime epidemic. And also the ubiquitous and very illegal Glock switches, regularly used in the commission of inner-city gang violence. But if you thought that, you would be dead wrong. The ATF is far more concerned with rural, white men owning AR pistols (for defense against criminals invading their home, no less!) than they are about dead black children shot in the head during drive-by shootings. 

This is only hypocrisy if you don’t understand what is going on. The Regime and its Administrative State understand the fundamental rule of politics—politics is about rewarding friends and harming enemies. The ATF using its vast resources to investigate and prosecute the suppliers of illegal weapons used in urban crime, would reward its enemies and harm its friends. Allowing urban crime to metastasize harms the enemies of the Regime, and the criminals themselves are very much the Regime’s friends—the BLM riots have shown us just how useful and loyal they are to the Regime. It is no coincidence that every arsonist looter Kyle Rittenhouse justifiably shot was a criminal. The foot soldiers of Leftism, from 1789 to 1917 to today, are always criminals, the “useful idiots.” Meanwhile, guys in F-250s flying MAGA flags that have a braced AR pistol? The Regime would love any excuse to throw guys like that in prison.

The kind of extremely dangerous criminals the ATF is after.

Speaking of Rittenhouse, that needs to be your example of how the Globalist Total State works. Good, decent people will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, while criminals in service of the Regime will always be let off the hook. Instead of whining like Ben Shapiro or other Con, Inc. grift artists, “wow, look at the hypocrisy, imagine if the situation were reversed,” you need to understand that the hypocrisy is the point. Besides, no “third party” will see their hypocrisy and put things right. No referee will see how unfair things are and take apart the regime. The political power to do that is possessed almost entirely by our enemies.

But it is not as though there is no hope. I am pointing out the realities of our situation not to discourage you but to direct you to right action. In 2020, (at least) 80 million people voted for an imperfect man who attempted to represent many of our interests. Even with the rapid replacement of those 80 million by millions of illegals in the last two years, that is a massive number of people, and their existence is the single, most outstanding liability to the regime (hence the aggressive plan for demographic replacement). The problem with the 80 million is that despite their great numbers and not insignificant collective wealth, they are wholly disorganized, like sheep without a shepherd. The political party that ostensibly represents them, the GOP, is horribly corrupt and ineffective. Their churches—the organization of local political organizing for the first 300 years of American history—are emasculated and led by men terrified of offending anyone (other than white, straight, Christian men). They usually are isolated with very few friends in real life. All of this is by design. The Regime has the 80 million right where it wants them. The question is, what if it didn’t?

What if our churches were led by men who feared God alone who instead of giving weekly inoffensive TED talks between soft rock concerts were able to rally together the men of his local community who understand that we are dominated by people who hate us? What if our pastors preached the authority of King Jesus over all of life, including the Regime and its treacherous Administrative State? What if in those local communities, all those enemies of the Regime gathered together? What if they began to live and work together as a city-within-their-city, a small-town-within-their-small-town? What if all these men and families began to develop strong bonds around their faith in Christ and devotion to one another? What would happen if communities like this were built up in every town and suburban neighborhood in the country, and all of them were at least loosely connected together? What would happen if each of them began to take leadership in their local GOP, their city council, their county commissioners board, their sheriff’s office, their county prosecutor’s office, etc.? 

In 2008, we all laughed when this skinny black dude from Chicago’s only job he ever had was “community organizer.” It sounded like a made-up, make-work job for a deadbeat Ivy League grad. And while Obama himself may well have been a deadbeat, the role he held was anything but worthless. The Regime is as well organized as it is because it has legions of such people. There is no end to the Regime funding of NGOs to drive their various causes to destroy all that is true, good, and beautiful and to make life miserable for decent, productive people. Meanwhile, those proper, hardworking, ordinary people are isolated and alone—sheep ready to be devoured by obese, purple-haired, septum-pierced wolves.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. The Greek word that Jesus used that we translate as “church” in our Bibles is ekklesia. In Ancient Greece, this was the assembly of citizens who ruled the Greek city-states. What is the church in the New Testament? It is a parallel society within the existing society. It is the heavenly city within the earthly city. It is the city obeying God’s will on earth as it obeyed in heaven. Far from mocking the function of “community organizing,” Christ has given us the responsibility to organize heavenly communities here on earth. When Christians begin to realize this and the tens of millions of us are no longer isolated and alone, we will no longer be sitting and waiting to be consumed by the Regime and its minions like the ATF. Instead, we will be a well-organized, nation-within-the-nation, and the worst fears of the godless Regime will be realized. So, find good churches. Plant them if they do not exist near you. Find like-minded Christian men. Build communities in real life. Build a new Christian nation. Build a Parallel Christian Society so that your children will no longer be under the thumb of tyrants.

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Gab: Go And Build. Bottom Line: It’s Good vs. Evil

Gab: Go And Build. I have been mulling over in my writers brain for two years now to try to come up with the right words to describe the pure, unadulterated evil we are battling in our country now. Well I don’t need to any longer as I happily relinquish that burden to these unbelievable words by Andrew Torba, the CEO of

Gab: Go And Build
From Gab News

This speech Andrew delivered live at AFPAC on February 25th, 2022, says it all:
Gab: Go And Build
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Is There Hope?


Hope For The Hopeless

I’ve been getting to a point of feeling absolutely hopeless and helpless (which is what the marxists want) about what’s happening to our country. I’m ready willing and able to go to civil war if necessary, let alone defend my property, myself, and my family, but I feel so alone and isolated when it comes to a “global solution.” I wonder every day, but know in my heart that there must be patriots in America who are actually mobilizing to take down the Satan commandeered globalists and the illegal and illegitimate old fool puppet and his entire administration, occupying our White House. My God this gives me hope.

Take Action

I pray on my knees this information is true and supports what I know has to be happening behind the scenes. We are American’s for God’s sake! We went to war with the British Empire, the most formidable force on earth at the time, and won! Surely we will not let our country fall to these monsters now! I want to help! Where are the others I know are there? Here is our resource page that provides information for you to take action:


There is an alternate economy forming to subvert the globalist regime and bring hope. Here are just a couple major players:

1. Gab is on the front line of creating an alternate economy and fighting the takeover of America. Here is just one major article from their CEO, Andrew Torba that shows the fight this organization has:

2. The Epoch Times

The Epoch Times is an independent news organization that is free from the influence of any government, corporation, or political party. Since the day they started, they’ve faced efforts to silence the truth—most notably by the Chinese Communist Party. But they won’t bend and are dedicated to keeping traditional journalism alive and well. https://theepoch

Hope for the hopeless against evil.
Romans 13:4
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America Is Being Directly Attacked

America Under Attack: Your Wakeup Call

America is being directly attacked and the enemy is Communist China (CCP). They are not firing a shot and the video below will prove this. Beyond a shadow of a doubt you will see exactly how this is happening.

Allies Of Communist China

Communist China is aided by sources like George Soros, Hollywood, the NBA, the Democrat Party, the Mainstream Media and the illegitimate “president,” Joe Biden and his administration, who are illegally occupying our White House. America is being destroyed from within.

What You Can Do About It

  1. Watch and share this video with everyone you can. Share links are provided.
  2. Join Mike Lindell’s website ‘FRANK SPEECH’ and support the mission to save America.
  3. Proactively write your representatives in Congress (see our Resource Page here), demanding they investigate the election fraud that took place in the 2020 election and that they take all steps necessary to ensure it never happens again.
  4. Most importantly, vote in the 2022 midterm elections to remove every possible Democrat and turncoat Republican from office. They must be replaced them with America loving patriots who know America is being directly attacked. Make sure they are willing to fight for our survival no matter what it takes.
  5. Support patriotic social media sites like GAB, Parler, MeWe, Rumble, GETTR, and as mentioned above, FRANK SPEECH. Avoid at all costs the Marxist/Communist censorship sites like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Google. Avoid listening to or watching the majority of “fake news” Main Stream Media like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC and sadly much of FOX NEWS these days (there are exceptions, most notably Tucker Carlson).

Never Give Up —You Are Not Alone

It may seem like you are fighting the battle alone. This is most definitely not the case. Every day brave patriots are rising up to fight back. You see it at school board meetings. Here parents are starting to battle against CRT (Critical Race Theory). You have witnessed boycotts of “woke” entities like the NBA, NFL, MLB and anti-America athletes like we just saw at the 2021 Summer Olympics in Tokyo. An alternate economy is being created and Patriots are actively seeking it out. The corporate overlords like Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Goggle and many others will no longer control everything we consume and need to survive. Spend time in the alternate sources listed above and you will begin to see these revolutionary moves taking place in real time.


America is being directly attacked
“Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God” —Benjamin Franklin
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Mike Lindell Presents: Absolutely 9-0


Election Fraud: The Absolute Truth is presented numerous times now by Mike Lindell and his team. The Chinese communist-style censorship of the Democrat owned Mainstream Media prevails. Bottom dweller tech scum companies Facebook, Twitter and Google hide the truth from the American people as a whole. We are being taken as uninformed fools. ‘We The People’ however, are far more savvy and intelligent than these dark forces can ever predict.

Fighting Back Against Election Fraud

The Democrat Party, a group now fully commandeered by Satan and his minions, think they have won. This evil force is utilizing everything within their present power to permanently destroy fundamentally all that is good and right about our great country. They have made the fatal mistake though of underestimating our power and resolve. This is a good thing, trust me.

The 2022 midterm elections are coming very soon. All states must ensure that the types of election fraud that put the illegal and illegitimate Joe Biden in office by coup, are stopped dead in their tracks. If so, there will be a reckoning such as these United States of America has not seen since the Civil War.

Not Taking It Any More

We are absolutely tired and fed up with cancel culture, liberal narratives and ideology that the majority of Americans reject. We are done with loud mouth and irrelevant celebrity opinions and outright evil indoctrination like critical race theory. Domestic terror groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa are an endless assault on our great Constitution and Bill of Rights. These collective threats will ultimately force us into a French Revolution type response. If 2022 and 2024 do not result in sanity being restored to our country it is inevitable. I love my country but I hate the present government with every fibre of my being.

We All Need Hero’s

There are, thank God, hero’s emerging like Mike Lindell, Tucker Carlson of Fox News, Candace Owens, Tomi Lahren, Judge Jeanine Pirro, David J. Harris, to name just a handful, who are not afraid of telling the truth without fear of “cancellation.” Fortunately they have strong platforms from which to fight back. We must cheer and support these hero’s at all cost because the loss of our country is at stake. Truth and justice always win and the dark is always exposed by the light of the truth.

It’s ultimately going to be up to these unelected group of individuals to have the courage to take a stand to ensure the survival of America.

Supreme Court of The United States must stop the 2020 election fraud.
The Roberts Court, April 23, 2021 Seated from left to right: Justices Samuel A. Alito, Jr. and Clarence Thomas, Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., and Justices Stephen G. Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor Standing from left to right: Justices Brett M. Kavanaugh, Elena Kagan, Neil M. Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett. Photograph by Fred Schilling, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States
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The Truth Will Set Us Free

More than 115 years ago, British journalist, Christian philosopher and theologian, G. K. Chesterton warned what would happen when society rejects truth: “The great march of mental destruction will go on. Everything will be denied. … Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer.”

Now one of the greatest truths, proven with undeniable facts, has been revealed regarding the mind blowing corruption and fraud that led to Joe Biden being illegally and illegitimately, by pure coup, installed as a puppet “president” of these United States of America. Every citizen of the world must see this, as this kind of corruption and pure evil affects everyone of us. I urge you to watch every minute and then share this with your own slice of the world in order to force the darkness into the light. I pray some mainstream conservative individuals or entities will have the guts and patriotism to pick this up and run with it to truly get the media coverage it desperately needs and deserves. I challenge loud conservative voices like Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity to have the courage to study these facts and then make them a major explosion of information!

This is a long video as required to undeniably explain its truths. it is worth every minute.

Absolute Interference

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The United States Of Business

I have been taken aback lately with the criticism of Donald Trump on the firing of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and frequent shuffling of other human assets in the West Wing, not to mention the constant scrutiny of the way he chooses to run the Executive branch of our government. Of course as a Conservative who voted for our President I am always taken aback by the criticism vomited out by the left wing Main Stream Media on a constant loop, but that’s a commentary for another time.

I have long thought and declared openly, that the best president for the United States would be a president that runs the country as a business. Enter Donald J. Trump, CEO of these United States.

As a former executive in the secular corporate domain for over thirty years I have witnessed and managed many business models over that time period. As a result I have observed, with expert insight, that the most successful businesses are those who both embrace and create constant change. Change is the dynamic that allows businesses to remain competitive and profitable.

A big portion of the change that creates profitability, maneuverability, and growth in business are the assets known as employees, not mediocre employees mind you, but great, driven and focused employees on the absolute best interests of the business. In any great business one can expect frequent change when it comes to the hiring and firing of these employees.

In order for a business to be great it must align itself with the Human Resources who are committed to the mission of the business one hundred percent. This is business 101, to use a standard cliche. Humans by nature are a complex lot. Because of this complexity it creates a constant need to evaluate, monitor, mentor and train its work force to ensure that the business continues to align itself with the best humans to accomplish its missions.

The above mentioned complexity of human beings creates constant change within an organization, be it in the secular corporate world or the world of government. In other words people constantly change due to such things as ambition, greed, personal goals, family situations, medical conditions, financial circumstances, age and even addictions, all of which can profoundly affect the smooth and profitable running of a business. The business is actually a living, moving entity because of its human elements.

As a CEO of a business you must be aware, adapt and react to this constant change of your human assets or be doomed to failure. The executive branch of either a secular business or the business of government must always have the right individuals in place to guide the business in the right directions to accomplish its goals.

So then, it makes complete sense, being a very successful business executive, that President Trump is finally running our government as it should have been all along, as a business. The fact that The United States of Business is being effectively run like a secular corporate business is evident in the vibrant, booming economy, efficacious foreign policies and the rebuilding of our infrastructures both physically and sociologically, we are witnessing at this time in our history.

The ability of President Trump to adapt to the ever evolving and ever dynamic business of government by making sure the right people are always in place to accomplish his goal of “Making America Great Again,” is pure business genius. While the Main Stream Media and other critics call this chaos, in the business world it would be called effective executive management.

Of course President Trump has been the object of criticism from the very day he announced his intention to run for the highest executive position in our country. In my opinion the great bulk of this criticism is simply because the political swamp in Washington DC and the majority leftist views of the MSM, fail to recognize that the most effective way to run our government is as a dynamic business. The political elite and MSM cannot grasp this concept because they cannot let go of the failed nonbusiness model that has been the “nonbusiness as usual” modus operandi for so long.

I and many millions of others who rose up and voted for Donald Trump as president recognized that dramatic change had to come to Washington or our country was doomed. As a successful business CEO, President Trump brought to Washington the change which is necessary but has been met with nothing but resistance from the political status quo of failed policies, ineffective, inefficient and obstructionist Democrats and many Republicans who have no idea for the most part how to run a successful business.

Thankfully, as any successful secular CEO would do, President Trump is immune, as far as allowing it to stop progress, to the unwarranted criticism because he is laser focused on the mission of The United States of Business to “Make America Great Again,” and his new mission to “Keep America Great!” (emphasis on the exclamation mark).

—Brad Hodges

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Battling For The Soul Of America

Soul Of America

There is an epic war being carried out in America. It is a battle being waged to claim the very soul of our country, to set its compass either back to true moral or to continue letting it spin out of control, shifted into negative motion by the divisiveness of eight years under a morally bankrupt Obama administration and the dark agenda of the Left.

It is a classic light verses darkness and good verses evil conflict. Everything has changed, tilted off an axis that once saw a Democratic Party still embracing morality but now turned into anything but your Grandparents Democrat party.

Just some of the questions, that plead for concise answers, are why is the Left so focused on an agenda that includes murder by abortion, disruption of traditional family values via homosexual marriage and a lack of a two parent unit of both male and female as God created and intended? It begs the introspection as to why they want God out of America by a drug like injection of a curriculum in our public schools and colleges. That twisted curriculum includes gender neutral indoctrination, and a politically correct check sheet of engraved talking points that allows no deviation and to hell with freedom of speech, unless it tows the leftist line. What is their end game?

Groups like Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the once venerable ACLU, are little more than hate groups bent on the destruction of the American values that helped build and sustain our country.

The Left are masters of deception and deflection. I recently challenged on Twitter a rant made on MSNBC (one of the most leftist propaganda media sources out there) by Joe Scarborough, Morning Joe, that actually suggested that our President Donald Trump has dementia! While it was no surprise that this major leftist channel once again spewed their fake news, hate Trump, agenda, I received a reply by some random leftist that stated; “Sadly you and conservatives like you would say it’s not true if Joe Scarborough or any other liberal spokesperson told you the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.”

Really? The leftists are so blinded by their mind controlling rhetoric and hatred of conservative principals and values that they actually believe what purveyors of this garbage continue to vomit out daily.

While Republicans are far from perfect and have their own actors on the stage of immorality and corruption, the Democrat party and liberals in general, seem to be imploding with self inflicted wounds.

Even our justice system, the very foundation of what is supposed to keep America separate from the rest of the wayward world is corrupt. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI, is becoming an out of control entity who is supposed to be under the control of Congress, and thus We The People. A shocking revelation of their corrupt actions recently came to light in a scathing report on Fox News Tucker Carlson show a few nights ago. Follow this link for the report: Tucker Carlson Tonight – Monday, December 4 –

What is going on in America?

Fortunately, thanks to the election of Donald Trump the tide may finally be turning, despite the rabid dog attacks by the left and the completely biased and corrupt Main Stream Media.

Trump’s election was not some anomaly. Instead his election was the result of the real pulse of America pounding into full adrenaline mode; the forgotten men and women in rural areas, the heretofore silent evangelical’s, the neglected veterans, in other words the real strength of our country finally saying “enough is enough, we are taking our country back!”

Liberals and Democrats (pretty much one and the same) are reeling and on the ropes. Sexual scandals, corrupt branches of government, the shadow government, are all being blindingly exposed in the light of truth and justice finally.

How this will ultimately end up is still to be seen, but if you are a Conservative in America these are very good times indeed.

Our country deserves better. We did not become the greatest country in the world based on the corrupt, immoral agenda and policies of the Left. No, our foundations are based on “One Nation Under God,” a Constitution that still remains the most successful plan of governing in history and a rule of law that must be upheld and respected.

We The People have spoken and we need to remain vigilant and strong even if, God forbid, it comes to an outright revolution against the Left who is bent on the destruction of our great country.

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Welcome To The Restoration

BradHodgesBlog.comAs the first post in this newly revived blog, I wanted to set the stage about where we are in America today and what I and many other freedom loving, Constitutional respecting citizens stand for. We are at a critical turning point, one that is going to define the United States of America forevermore.

That turning point will start with the mid-term elections this year and culminate with the presidential election of 2016. There must be a restoration of the Republic one way or the other and my sincere prayer is that American citizens have finally awoken from their stupor and it will be by ballot in the coming elections.

If you are a Conservative join me for the ride of your life as we hopefully restore our once great country. If you are a liberal or disagree with Conservative principles, that’s okay but we will no longer bow to your bullying and politically correct rhetoric. If you can discuss openly and honestly the issues that will be addressed on this blog without resorting to name calling and/or profanity, then you are welcome to join the discussions. If not you will be banned immediately.

While there will be many outside references incorporated into this blog the opinions expressed herein are by the right of free speech by Brad Hodges and it is expected they will be respected as such.

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