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The United States Of Business

I have been taken aback lately with the criticism of Donald Trump on the firing of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and frequent shuffling of other human assets in the West Wing, not to mention the constant scrutiny of the way he chooses to run the Executive branch of our government. Of course as a Conservative who voted for our President I am always taken aback by the criticism vomited out by the left wing Main Stream Media on a constant loop, but that’s a commentary for another time.

I have long thought and declared openly, that the best president for the United States would be a president that runs the country as a business. Enter Donald J. Trump, CEO of these United States.

As a former executive in the secular corporate domain for over thirty years I have witnessed and managed many business models over that time period. As a result I have observed, with expert insight, that the most successful businesses are those who both embrace and create constant change. Change is the dynamic that allows businesses to remain competitive and profitable.

A big portion of the change that creates profitability, maneuverability, and growth in business are the assets known as employees, not mediocre employees mind you, but great, driven and focused employees on the absolute best interests of the business. In any great business one can expect frequent change when it comes to the hiring and firing of these employees.

In order for a business to be great it must align itself with the Human Resources who are committed to the mission of the business one hundred percent. This is business 101, to use a standard cliche. Humans by nature are a complex lot. Because of this complexity it creates a constant need to evaluate, monitor, mentor and train its work force to ensure that the business continues to align itself with the best humans to accomplish its missions.

The above mentioned complexity of human beings creates constant change within an organization, be it in the secular corporate world or the world of government. In other words people constantly change due to such things as ambition, greed, personal goals, family situations, medical conditions, financial circumstances, age and even addictions, all of which can profoundly affect the smooth and profitable running of a business. The business is actually a living, moving entity because of its human elements.

As a CEO of a business you must be aware, adapt and react to this constant change of your human assets or be doomed to failure. The executive branch of either a secular business or the business of government must always have the right individuals in place to guide the business in the right directions to accomplish its goals.

So then, it makes complete sense, being a very successful business executive, that President Trump is finally running our government as it should have been all along, as a business. The fact that The United States of Business is being effectively run like a secular corporate business is evident in the vibrant, booming economy, efficacious foreign policies and the rebuilding of our infrastructures both physically and sociologically, we are witnessing at this time in our history.

The ability of President Trump to adapt to the ever evolving and ever dynamic business of government by making sure the right people are always in place to accomplish his goal of “Making America Great Again,” is pure business genius. While the Main Stream Media and other critics call this chaos, in the business world it would be called effective executive management.

Of course President Trump has been the object of criticism from the very day he announced his intention to run for the highest executive position in our country. In my opinion the great bulk of this criticism is simply because the political swamp in Washington DC and the majority leftist views of the MSM, fail to recognize that the most effective way to run our government is as a dynamic business. The political elite and MSM cannot grasp this concept because they cannot let go of the failed nonbusiness model that has been the “nonbusiness as usual” modus operandi for so long.

I and many millions of others who rose up and voted for Donald Trump as president recognized that dramatic change had to come to Washington or our country was doomed. As a successful business CEO, President Trump brought to Washington the change which is necessary but has been met with nothing but resistance from the political status quo of failed policies, ineffective, inefficient and obstructionist Democrats and many Republicans who have no idea for the most part how to run a successful business.

Thankfully, as any successful secular CEO would do, President Trump is immune, as far as allowing it to stop progress, to the unwarranted criticism because he is laser focused on the mission of The United States of Business to “Make America Great Again,” and his new mission to “Keep America Great!” (emphasis on the exclamation mark).

—Brad Hodges

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