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  • America In Distress

    Second Amendment

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

  • Ownership

    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke )


Is There Hope?

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Hope For The Hopeless

I’ve been getting to a point of feeling absolutely hopeless and helpless (which is what the marxists want) about what’s happening to our country. I’m ready willing and able to go to civil war if necessary, let alone defend my property, myself, and my family, but I feel so alone and isolated when it comes to a “global solution.” I wonder every day, but know in my heart that there must be patriots in America who are actually mobilizing to take down the Satan commandeered globalists and the illegal and illegitimate old fool puppet and his entire administration, occupying our White House. My God this gives me hope.

Take Action

I pray on my knees this information is true and supports what I know has to be happening behind the scenes. We are American’s for God’s sake! We went to war with the British Empire, the most formidable force on earth at the time, and won! Surely we will not let our country fall to these monsters now! I want to help! Where are the others I know are there? Here is our resource page that provides information for you to take action:


There is an alternate economy forming to subvert the globalist regime and bring hope. Here are just a couple major players:

1. Gab is on the front line of creating an alternate economy and fighting the takeover of America. Here is just one major article from their CEO, Andrew Torba that shows the fight this organization has:

2. The Epoch Times

The Epoch Times is an independent news organization that is free from the influence of any government, corporation, or political party. Since the day they started, they’ve faced efforts to silence the truth—most notably by the Chinese Communist Party. But they won’t bend and are dedicated to keeping traditional journalism alive and well. https://theepoch

Hope for the hopeless against evil.
Romans 13:4
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