A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke )
America Is Being Directly Attacked
America Under Attack: Your Wakeup Call
America is being directly attacked and the enemy is Communist China (CCP). They are not firing a shot and the video below will prove this. Beyond a shadow of a doubt you will see exactly how this is happening.
Allies Of Communist China
Communist China is aided by sources like George Soros, Hollywood, the NBA, the Democrat Party, the Mainstream Media and the illegitimate “president,” Joe Biden and his administration, who are illegally occupying our White House. America is being destroyed from within.
What You Can Do About It
Watch and share this video with everyone you can. Share links are provided.
Join Mike Lindell’s website ‘FRANK SPEECH’ and support the mission to save America.
Proactively write your representatives in Congress (see our Resource Page here), demanding they investigate the election fraud that took place in the 2020 election and that they take all steps necessary to ensure it never happens again.
Most importantly, vote in the 2022 midterm elections to remove every possible Democrat and turncoat Republican from office. They must be replaced them with America loving patriots who know America is being directly attacked. Make sure they are willing to fight for our survival no matter what it takes.
Support patriotic social media sites like GAB, Parler, MeWe, Rumble, GETTR, and as mentioned above, FRANK SPEECH. Avoid at all costs the Marxist/Communist censorship sites like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Google. Avoid listening to or watching the majority of “fake news” Main Stream Media like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC and sadly much of FOX NEWS these days (there are exceptions, most notably Tucker Carlson).
Never Give Up —You Are Not Alone
It may seem like you are fighting the battle alone. This is most definitely not the case. Every day brave patriots are rising up to fight back. You see it at school board meetings. Here parents are starting to battle against CRT (Critical Race Theory). You have witnessed boycotts of “woke” entities like the NBA, NFL, MLB and anti-America athletes like we just saw at the 2021 Summer Olympics in Tokyo. An alternate economy is being created and Patriots are actively seeking it out. The corporate overlords like Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Goggle and many others will no longer control everything we consume and need to survive. Spend time in the alternate sources listed above and you will begin to see these revolutionary moves taking place in real time.
Election Fraud: The Absolute Truth is presented numerous times now by Mike Lindell and his team. The Chinese communist-style censorship of the Democrat owned Mainstream Media prevails. Bottom dweller tech scum companies Facebook, Twitter and Google hide the truth from the American people as a whole. We are being taken as uninformed fools. ‘We The People’ however, are far more savvy and intelligent than these dark forces can ever predict.
Fighting Back Against Election Fraud
The Democrat Party, a group now fully commandeered by Satan and his minions, think they have won. This evil force is utilizing everything within their present power to permanently destroy fundamentally all that is good and right about our great country. They have made the fatal mistake though of underestimating our power and resolve. This is a good thing, trust me.
The 2022 midterm elections are coming very soon. All states must ensure that the types of election fraud that put the illegal and illegitimate Joe Biden in office by coup, are stopped dead in their tracks. If so, there will be a reckoning such as these United States of America has not seen since the Civil War.
Not Taking It Any More
We are absolutely tired and fed up with cancel culture, liberal narratives and ideology that the majority of Americans reject. We are done with loud mouth and irrelevant celebrity opinions and outright evil indoctrination like critical race theory. Domestic terror groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa are an endless assault on our great Constitution and Bill of Rights. These collective threats will ultimately force us into a French Revolution type response. If 2022 and 2024 do not result in sanity being restored to our country it is inevitable. I love my country but I hate the present government with every fibre of my being.
We All Need Hero’s
There are, thank God, hero’s emerging like Mike Lindell, Tucker Carlson of Fox News, Candace Owens, Tomi Lahren, Judge Jeanine Pirro, David J. Harris, to name just a handful, who are not afraid of telling the truth without fear of “cancellation.” Fortunately they have strong platforms from which to fight back. We must cheer and support these hero’s at all cost because the loss of our country is at stake. Truth and justice always win and the dark is always exposed by the light of the truth.
It’s ultimately going to be up to these unelected group of individuals to have the courage to take a stand to ensure the survival of America.
The Roberts Court, April 23, 2021 Seated from left to right: Justices Samuel A. Alito, Jr. and Clarence Thomas, Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., and Justices Stephen G. Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor Standing from left to right: Justices Brett M. Kavanaugh, Elena Kagan, Neil M. Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett. Photograph by Fred Schilling, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States
Be proactive and share
The Truth Will Set Us Free
More than 115 years ago, British journalist, Christian philosopher and theologian, G. K. Chesterton warned what would happen when society rejects truth: “The great march of mental destruction will go on. Everything will be denied. … Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer.”
Now one of the greatest truths, proven with undeniable facts, has been revealed regarding the mind blowing corruption and fraud that led to Joe Biden being illegally and illegitimately, by pure coup, installed as a puppet “president” of these United States of America. Every citizen of the world must see this, as this kind of corruption and pure evil affects everyone of us. I urge you to watch every minute and then share this with your own slice of the world in order to force the darkness into the light. I pray some mainstream conservative individuals or entities will have the guts and patriotism to pick this up and run with it to truly get the media coverage it desperately needs and deserves. I challenge loud conservative voices like Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity to have the courage to study these facts and then make them a major explosion of information!
This is a long video as required to undeniably explain its truths. it is worth every minute.
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